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Dr. Robert Hutchison's Lab

Dr. Robert Hutchison, BCACP, Associate Professor, is a board certified Ambulatory Care clinical pharmacist, has over 20 years’ experience in the ambulatory care clinic setting, and teaches as a preceptor for fourth- and third-year profession pharmacy students. He works in a pharmacy that is in Sacred Heart Community Clinic. He teaches courses encompassing neurology, pain management, and toxicology. Dr. Hutchison’s lab resides in the clinical practice setting.


Research Focus: Addressing the opioid epidemic

Dr. Hutchison working in lab

In 2024, Dr. Hutchison joined the NarxCare Scientific Advisory Board - National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. Dr. Hutchison’s clinical practice at Sacred Heart Community Clinic involves chronic disease management. He has professional certification in Ambulatory Care, Immunization administration, and Naloxone administration in Texas. His research has been cited in other studies 468 times. He has published 17 articles related opioid use and received 23 Pain Management Related grants and awards. Previously, Dr. Hutchison served as a clinical specialist in pain management for 10 years in a large teaching hospital and 13 years additional years as a hospital operating room pharmacist. Currently Dr. Hutchison also serves on the Prescription Monitoring Program Advisory Board for the Texas State Board of Pharmacy in Austin. The Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) collects and monitors prescription data for all Schedule II, III, IV, and V Controlled Substances (CS) dispensed by a pharmacy in Texas or to a Texas resident from a pharmacy located in another state. The PMP also provides a database for monitoring patient prescription history for practitioners and the ordering of Texas Schedule II Official Prescription Forms.

Select Publications

  • Hutchison, R. W., & Carhart, J. (2023). Opioid and benzodiazepine utilization patterns in metropolitan and rural Texas. Journal of opioid management, 19(5), 433-443.
  • DiNardo AR, et al. Hutchison, R, Ofili, T, Udeani, G. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin Vaccination as Defense Against SARS-CoV-2 (BADAS): A Randomized Controlled Trial to Protect Health Care Workers in the U.S. by Enhanced Trained Immune Responses, BMC Trials Journal Spring 2023.
  • Hutchison R, Carhart J, Whalen K, Holloway MG. Texas Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Evolution and Outcomes. Texas Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, (2021) 20(2): 22-27. 
  • Coon SA, Hill LG, Hutchison RW, et al. Mobilizing pharmacists to address the opioid crisis: A joint opinion of the ambulatory care and adult medicine practice and research networks of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 2020;1–21.
  • Lee, W.-C., Hutchison, R., Lin, S., Kuo, Y.-F. (2020). Patient Education on Opioid Storage, Security, and Disposal of Opioids: Should the Approach Differ in Rural and Urban Settings? Texas Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 19(1): 46-51. 
  • Hutchison, Robert(2020) POV: Safe Storage, Security and Disposal of Opioids. Vital Record TAMHSC.
  • Appiah, B., Burdine, J. N., Cummings, S., Poudyal, A., Hutchison, R. W.,Forjuoh, S. N., & McLeroy, K. R. The effect of health‐related information seeking and financial strain on medication nonadherence among patients with diabetes and/or hypertension in central Texas. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research (April 16, 2020).
  • Hutchison Jr., Robert. Storage, security, and disposal. Journal of Opioid Management Vol 15, No 5 (2019).
  • Hutchison RW, Lin S, Zhong L, Tain Y (2019) Project Based Learning in Actual Practice of Treating Mild Depression: Clinic Based Learning Experience in Antidepressant Pharmacotherapy, Texas A&M University Transformational Teaching Conference.
  • Hutchison RW, Lin S, Zhong L, Pekarek KJ, McMaughan D (2018) Assessing Learning Needs in Chronic Pain Management Curriculum, 4th Annual Interprofessional Education and Research Symposium (IPER 4), November 1, 2018.
  • Chen AMH, Kiersma M, Hutchison R, Wright K. (2016) Psychometric testing of the Kiersma-Chen Empathy Scale – Patient Version. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association; 56:e107.
  • Hutchison, R(2016) Transforming Pain Management and the Role of the Clinical Pharmacist. Hospital Pharmacy: January 2016, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 6-8.
  • Hutchison R. (2014). Treating diabetes in underserved populations using an interprofessional care team. J Interprof Care, doi: 10.3109/13561820.2014.917408.
  • Hutchison, R.W., Nash, R.B., & Nault, E.C. Multidisciplinary Team of a Physician and Clinical Pharmacists Managing Hypertension. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 2(3) May 2012.
  • Hutchison, R.W., Govathoti, D.A., Fehlis, K., et al. (2011) “Improving Severe Sepsis Outcomes” Dimens Crit Care Nurs. 30(5):277-282.
  • Herndon, C.M., Hutchison, R.W., Hildegarde, J.B., et al. (2008) “NSAIDS and chronic non-malignant pain: a joint opinion statement of the cardiology, ambulatory care and pain / palliative care practice and research networks of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.” Pharmacotherapy. 28(6):788-805.
  • Hutchison, R., Rodriguez, L. (2008) “Capnography and respiratory depression.” American Journal of Nursing. 108(2):35-39.
  • Hutchison, R., Anastassopoulos, K., & Vallow, S. (2007) “Intravenous patient controlled analgesia (IV PCA) pump and reservoir logistics: results from a multicenter questionnaire,” Hospital Pharmacy. 42(11).
  • Hutchison, R., Chon, E.H., Tucker, W.F., et al. (2006) “A comparison of a fentanyl, morphine, and hydromorphone patient-controlled intravenous delivery for acute postoperative analgesia: a multicentered study of opioid induced adverse reactions.” Hospital Pharmacy. 41(7).
  • Hutchison, R.W., Tucker, W.F., Kim, S., et al. (2006) “Evaluation of a behavioral assessment tool for the individual unable to self-report pain.” American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. 23(4).