Chendil Damodaran

Associate Dean of Research and Innovation
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy
1010 W. Ave. B
Phone: 979.436.0495
Education and Training
- University of Madras, TN, India, Ph.D., in Environmental Toxicology (Cancer Biology), 1995
- University of Madras, TN, India, M.S. in Environmental Toxicology, 1990
- University of Madras, TN, India, B.S. in Zoology, 1985
Research Interests
- Cancer prevention and treatment: Metal-induced carcinogenesis Biomarker discovery
Awards, Recognition and Service
- 2019 - 2021: Distinguish University Scholar Award (University of Louisville)
- 2019: Outstanding Achievement Award- The Society of American Asian Scientists in Cancer Research (SAASCR)
- 2014 - 2018: University Scholar Award (University of Louisville)
- 2009: Wethington Award for Excellence in Research
- 2008: Wethington Award for Excellence in Research
- 2007: Wethington Award for Excellence in Research
- 2006: CHS Award for Excellence in Research
- 2006: CHS Award for Excellence in Research 2004: Siemen’s Westinghouse Competition Mentor Recognition Award
- 1993: Foreign Research Fellowship, Monbusho, Govt. of Japan
- Sharma, AK, Amin S, Tyagi A, Damodaran C. SMALL MOLECULE REGULATORS OF NOTCH1 AND USES. PCT application number PCT/US2021/018119 filed on February 15, 2021.
Representative Publications
- Uttara Saran Ashish Tyagi, Balaji Chandrasekaran, Murali K. Ankem and Chendil Damodaran: The role of autophagy in metal induced urogenital carcinogenesis (2021). Accepted in Semin Cancer Biol. Mar 30; S1044-579X(21)00072-9.
- Uttara Saran Ashish Tyagi Balaji Chandrasekaran, and Chendil Damodaran. Diagnostic molecular markers predicting aggressive potential in low-grade prostate cancer. Transl Res. 2020 Dec 3: S1931-5244(20)30295-4.
- Ashish Tyagi, Arun Sharma and Chendil Damodaran. A Review on Notch Signaling and colorectal cancer (2020). Cells Jun 25; 9(6):1549.
- Ashish Tyagi, Balaji Chandrasekaran, Venkatesh Kolluru, Becca V Baby, Cibi A. Sripathi, Murali K. Ankem Srinivasa R. Ramisetti, Venkata R. Chirasani, Nikolay V Dokholyan, Arun K. Sharma and Chendil Damodaran. ASR490, a Small Molecule, Overrides Aberrant Expression of Notch1 in Colorectal Cancer (2020). Mol. Cancer Ther. Dec; 19(12):2422-2431.
- Ashish Tyagi, Venkatesh Kolluru, Balaji Chandrasekaran, Uttara Saran, Arun K Sharma, Murali K Ankem, and Chendil Damodaran. ASR488, a novel small molecule, activates an mRNA binding protein, CPEB1, and inhibits the growth of bladder cancer (2020). Oncology letters. 20: 850-860.
- Balaji Chandrasekaran*, Nisha Dahiya*, Ashish Tyagi, Venkatesh Kolluru, Uttara Saran, Becca V Baby, J Christopher States1, Ahmed Haddad, Murali K. Ankem, and Chendil Damodaran. Chronic exposure to cadmium induces a malignant transformation of benign prostate epithelial cells. (2020). Oncogenesis. Feb 17; 9(2):23.